Wet n Wild: Smoke and Melrose Limited Edition Palette Review *DUPE FOR URBAN DECAY NAKED 3!!*

wnw`Finding a beauty gem at the drugstore is like finding the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Spoiler Alert: I found it. And it really is magically delicious.

Urban Decay, on the other hand, makes some of the most lusted after eye shadow palettes that you will drop half a Benjamin for. Are the Naked Palettes amazing? Yes. Are they worth $50+? Not when you find this… Continue reading

How to get rid of a pimple FAST!


I know what it’s like to have a monster growing on your face and it feels like it’s the size of all 7 Continents. It’s painful, ugly and you feel like that creature from Lord of the Rings. That precious he’s talking about? Well, that’s your BIG, fat, ugly pimple hanging out on your face. And they always show up at the WORST times. The morning of your first day of school, prom, and god forbid , your wedding day! Fret not, my lovely beauties, I HAVE THE SOLUTION!!! Whatever the situation, big or small, the answer to all of your pimple woes lays in the one place you’d never expect… Your kitchen. In fact I am 99.9% sure everyone owns it. Table Salt? Like from the salt shaker? Yes, that’s right, ladies and gents, SALT! And water…

Sounds too easy right? I thought so too. But it was worth a shot. Here are the steps I took and it was literally gone in 10 minutes. Say bye-bye Sméagol and hello silky smooth skin.

1. Get a cup of warm/hot water (not scolding, just hot enough to melt the salt)

2. Add 2-3 teaspoons of salt and mix together (I used regular table salt)

3. Put a cotton ball into the water and let it soak for 30-60 seconds

4. Squeeze most of the excess water out of the cotton ball, but leave it damp still.

5. Hold the cotton ball firmly over the pimple for 5-10 minutes (I did the full 10 to ensure it worked)

6. Once you lift the cotton ball off the area, the pimple should be greatly decreased in size if not completely. Get a clean cotton ball and press firmly for another 1-3 to flatten the area.

7. Clean the area, your pimple is gone!

8. Repeat the steps if needed.

You can also try this:

Neutrogena Rapid Clear Products: 2-in-1 Fight & Fade Gel, Foaming Scrub and Face Lotion
I HAVE to talk about these products in this post because I have just recently discovered them and I am obsessed. Since using these Neutrogena Rapid Clear products (1-2 months), I haven’t suffered from any crazy breakouts AND when I have felt a random pimple coming on, I have used the Fight & Fade Gel and the Rapid Clear lotion overnight, and POOF! It’s gone the next morning. I am in LOVE. I am even looking into buying the other products like the toner, cleanser, etc. because they have been working like a dream for me. I know that everyone’s skin is different and what might work for me may not work for you, but I definitely suggest you at least give it a try. I have never been more impressed with a products power to diminish my breakouts like this.

The only thing I can tell you to be careful of is that they can cause some drying if you use them too often. I haven’t had any crazy dryness, but I have experienced slight flakiness when I have used it too often. Nothing a little exfoliating and moisturizing didn’t fix, but I don’t use the lotion or Fight & Fade gel daily. I only use them when I feel like I am breaking out or have a problem area that I want gone. I have started using the scrub daily though and haven’t seen any over-dryness yet. Just as a disclaimer though, these products contain 2% Salicylic Acid, so they can cause irritation.

Both the Neutrogena Rapid Clear products and the Salt water method have been my savior in desperate and even no-so-desperate times, so I had to share this information with you!! I hope all of these regimens and products work as well for you as it does for me! Please let me know if you have tried any of these! I would love to hear your feedback or suggestions on any other pimple clearing products!

Graci my loves! Chelsea, xoxo>